don't come around asking how you conduct your love life. That's a private matter, up to you, as it should be.
Could it be that a homosexual makes an outstanding teacher?
That's often the case.
The qualities a homosexual tends to have, are the same qualities which tend to make a good teacher. What are some of the qualities? Understanding. Insight, patience, neatness, a wide interest range. He's apt to be paternal. Having no family of his own, he devotes himself to teaching children.
Do you miss having children of your own?
No. I get enough of them all day. It's a change to be with adults when I come home. There's one little problem a teacher has.
What's that?
He thinks in children's terms all day, comes home, and has a tendancy to continue in that vein.
Aren't homosexual teachers lackin masculine qualities?
Hah! The most masculine, are apt to be compensating for being homosexual, so they go overboard in masculine traits. A homosexual can be anything from very feminine to extremely masculine. It is an easy, obvious mistake the public makes when they know very little about it. I'm very masculine myself, as are my gay friends. That's fortunate for us, because we have very little to handle, in the way of opinions and suspicion from other people.
Do homosexual men like teaching?
Teaching is an aptitude. I'm not aware that is has a connection with homosexuality. Most men, whether or not they're homosexual, do not particularly like to teach. I would say that when a man likes to teach, he is needed, regardless of sexual inclinations.
Why are men teachers needed?
A child shouldn't have female teachers exclusively. He needs to become acquainted with men, too. Learn what they are like, come to accept them, for balance. Boys need a man to observe, to learn male courtesy, men's interests, and see how men act. Girls need the same thing, so later men aren't strange and remote to their experience and understanding. Both boys and girls need men teachers as they grow up, as a frame of reference.
What happens if a child doesn't have men teachers?
Several times, I've seen a boy who has had no men in his life at home. With only women around, he acts, thinks and behaves exactly like they do. He gets into difficulties while a child, and even more as he grows up. Just like a child needs both parents, he needs both men and women teachers.
Doesn't a homosexual teacher tend to be disinterested in masculine activities, such as sports?
The homosexual often goes overboard for sports, to show he's masculine. I'd say there are as varied interests among homosexuals as among heterosexuals. It's too dangerous to generalize along the lines. you mention. That's the obvious, and usually the wrong conclusion. An interesting sidelight on sports is that a person needn't be any great athlete to make a good teacher of sports. Being able to do something well, and teach it well, are two different things. There are gay coaches, you know, and athletes.
If you could tell the public something, what would it be?
I wish sometimes, that everybody knew what everybody else was like in private. You know? If they could see how many people cope with the problem of homosexuality, they would not consider it in terms of weakness and strength, but